
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Seeing God Provide.

We were counting down the months until our departure date and now we're down to counting the weeks. Pretty soon we will be counting down the days. It doesn't feel real. Even with all the packing and our house slowly emptying out. 

We are excited as we see God providing for us by meeting needs we didn't know we had. The body of Christ is one big family and we find ourselves encouraged by individuals we've never met who are helping us find an apartment and a church to attend in Hong Kong. A friend of mine that I went to church with up in Canada is getting married and her fiance has connections in HK. Those connections are helping us out down here in South Carolina.

We had our final yard sale on Saturday. The night before our sale, someone contacted us via Craigslist and told us they would be willing to box up and take away anything from our yard sale that we did not sell. We ended up calling them, and what would have taken us an additional two to three days to do ourselves... not to mention the emotional aspect of going through our material possessions yet again... was all taken care of within a matter of hours. It's wonderful to see God providing that service for my husband and I.

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