
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween In Hong Kong.

Our family's first Halloween in Hong Kong was pretty uneventful. We had been invited to a couple parties and opted to stay home together as a family eating Thai food at a nearby restaurant. It's great to be reunited with my husband after a week! 

We shared on the Julie Ann Event's blog how we made these costumes. Feel free to check it out by clicking here. While Halloween is a popular holiday here in Hong Kong, it doesn't quite have the same feel as in the United States. 

There was a Halloween parade at the school our children attend. Our kids dressed up as stick figures this year. Their classrooms had a Halloween party in the afternoon where I found myself surrounded by eighteen five year old children showing them how to master the accordion fold and making spider leg crowns.

In our neighborhood, instead of all the children dressing up in costume as soon as it started getting dark, and going door to door filling their buckets with candy from perfect strangers, we were in bed and asleep soon after our Thai dinner. Not once did the door to our flat get knocked on by little people seeking a sweet treat.

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