
Friday, November 13, 2015

A Class In Latte Art. In Chinese.

I got an email saying there was a class in latte art, and I immediately wanted to participate. So I asked if it would be a problem since I only speak English and the class was in Cantonese. Someone said they would try translating for me. 

I met up with a group of a dozen strangers at the exit to an MTR and we walked a couple blocks to Cafe Lov Lov where we divided up into two groups to learn the craft of latte art. While our group waited for our time to be taught, someone pulled out a deck of Uno cards and we played several rounds while we ate hotdogs and cheesecake. 

Then it was our turn, and I requested to make latte art using hot chocolate since I am forgoing coffee this year. They taught me to tap the milk to release any bubbles at the bottom of the little metal canister, the exact temperature that the milk needed to be before I could add it to my chocolate mixture, and then they taught me the number of times I needed to pour the milk into the cup and how to achieve that beautiful design. As pretty as my latte art turned out, I really can't take any credit, since the guy who was in charge did most of the work while I just held the pitcher of milk. 

It was such a fun evening being in a totally different environment with a group of great people who spoke a language that I did not understand. It was fun making new friends and still being able to communicate through smiles and laughter at all our failed or faulty attempts of latte art.

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