
Friday, July 25, 2014

Three Days Left.

I sit here in my father-in-law's guest bedroom, at the computer, surrounded by piles of clothing, laundry, books, and household items that need to be packed. Our little house is completely devoid of everything and extremely clean. When I make a phone call in the empty house the sound of my voice just echos back to me. 

We took one full day with three other men {thanks to my father-in-law providing them} to help us move our furniture out. We've got everything in storage and neatly organized. The mattresses are laying the correct way so that they won't be destroyed over the span of two years, our surfboards are up, the antique piano is safe thanks to the insulated storage unit we have our material possessions contained in.

My husband and I spent another day deep cleaning our empty house. That took longer than moving out the furniture. One of our sweet neighbors came over and helped us clean. Then she volunteered to help us touch up the chair rail with white paint, which then led to repainting our board and batten in my son's old bedroom. My husband is such a great servant leader for our family and he ended up going back to the house in the evening and steam cleaning our carpets until 11:00 at night. I love that man and the way he leads our family. 

Today we are running around taking care of last minute errands. Going to the bank, the post office, turning off our cable provider. Basically we are trying to remember what we all need to accomplish on this final week day before we fly out. I can't believe we have three days left. 


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